Monday, July 19, 2010

Good News!

When I first typed the title of this post, I accidentally typed "God News". That would have been just as appropriate. We got great news today. Heather is pregnant! Woo hoo!!!

We actually got the news last Thursday from a blood test, but her HCG level was only 63 thirteen days after the embryo transfer. The IVF doctors consider anything under 66 as risky, so we were reluctant to celebrate. We were scheduled to go back in today and get another test. Heather was very anxious, as she has been throughout the process. I'm much more laid back. Fortunately, I'm blessed with the ability to not worry about things I cannot control.

Two days ago, Heather decided to put everything into God's hands. Every time she became anxious, she would just say to herself "it's in your hands, God", and she would feel peaceful. It was wonderful to see the transformation in her and the peace that God can deliver, when asked.
So we got to the clinic shortly after their 8am opening time and were finally escorted back to one of the patient rooms after about 20 minutes (seemed like 20 hours). Everyone at the clinic has been very kind and supportive, but Heather is not fond of the nurse she saw today. It's not that she isn't nice. She is. It's just that she's not very good at taking blood. Today was no exception. I always sit on the opposite side of the blood letting arm so I can distract her, but I was watching as the nurse stuck Heather's arm .... missing the vein. As she poked around inside her arm with the needle, Heather's pain tolerance was quickly exceeded. The alarmed look on my face didn't help either. Fortunately, the nurse asked if she was in pain, and Heather said YES!!! She switched to Heather's other arm and managed to find a vein this time.

She told us that we should get the results before lunch. But what does that mean? 10am? 11am? We were hoping they didn't take lunch at 2pm or something!!! Meanwhile, we tried to fill our morning with distractions. We went to Chick-Fil-A. We took Killer to the vet. We checked emails. We finally got the call shortly before noon.

We knew that if the pregnancy was developing correctly, Heather's HCG level should be doubling every 48 hours. Since it was 63 on Thursday, it should now be 252 or better if everything was on track. The actual number was ... wait for it ... 480!!! We were blown away! Bonnie, the IVF specialist whom we adore, gave us the news and she said this was great! Heather asked if this meant twins, but Bonnie was not ready to make that prediction. However, we will know on July 30th when we go in for the first ultrasound. We're really hoping for twins, but we will be delighted if we just get a healthy baby.

We've been walking around all day without touching the floor. We're on cloud nine. I emailed family and close friends, and everyone was quick to respond and share our joy. We are so blessed!!!

I have a business trip to Albany this week, but it will only be for one day. I'm driving up with Heather and Lydia (Heather's sister) so after business, we're heading to NYC. Lydia has never been, so she is really excited. We are too! We love going to NYC and seeing shows. This time we will see Wicked. Lydia also wants to visit the Metropolitan Museum, Tiffany's, and The Plaza Hotel. And of course we need to visit FAO Schwartz, the best toy store in the world. We're going to buy our first baby present. Actually, we will get two, just in case we have twins. Can't wait!!!

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